Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Let me tell you a somewhat sad story about one of our nations old favourite. Bass Ale.
Once upon a time there was a grand Empire, on which the sun never set. The troops of this Empire were thirsty and were dying drinking the potent and toxic local arak in India. British men like beer, fact. India is too warm to brew beer back then.

So the old brewery town of Burton on Trent brewers made a new, strong and heavily hopped ale which could withstand the journey to India. Barrel upon barrel was loaded into Indiamen destined for the thirsty troops. Bass was one of the largest brewers doing this. Salt, Alsopp and Hodgins being amongst the other large breweries sending the India Pale Ale to the subcontinent.

Time went on and the power in the world shifted west over the pond (damn Suez), the Empire reduced to a few far flung islands. But what of the beer? Salt and Hodgins are gone, Allsopp, well... http://www.eabl.com/brandsinner.asp?cat=allsops&subcat=brands. Bass? Bass lived on. But later into it's life the brewery was bought out by a large American brewing company. So Bass declined. Into what we have now, a bog standard bitter, bit better than Smiths. Even has electric pumps. So from gracing pubs and Bass signs still able to be spotted, it is now a somewhat apathetic tipple in my opinion. I think they could do with having a one off release using their original recipe.

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