Sunday, 5 February 2012

Great Heck Vanilla Porter

I went to Cask last night for catch ups and belated birthdays with the chaps. It was meant to be the chaps but the snow last night reduced the number to me and the chap that went to Bruges with me. There was a band on, surprisingly good blues band. He had got me a bottle of Kernal Nelson Sauvin IPA and a Delerium Le Guilletine. A fair bit of mind reading must have occured as I was somewhat curious about Kernel Brewery.

There was a great beer that I had never seen before, Great Heck Vanilla Porter. Was 4.5%, dark almost black with the odd hint of light coming through. Almost no head, and what head was there soon left. The aroma was VANILLA. With a hint of the dark chocolatey coffee-ey malt, but mostly vanilla. This pretty much covers the taste too. It was like a vanilla yoghurt, but beer. A great beer, unexpected because a lot of the time the vanillage is pretty light and delicate, this stuck and could taste it to till the end of the pint. Great stuff!

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